ULTRA Overview

Revolutional technology

Superior Safety

Energy saver

Eco friendly


ULTRA provides a new approach to energy saving that combines state of the art technology with a range of
models and bespoke installation to match our clients operational and energy consumption profiles. ULTRA will
reduce an organizations carbon emissions and power consumption, delivering typical cost savings of 10-15%
and a return on investment of less than 2 years. Read more

Smart Home Package:

  • A typical ROI (≤24 months)
  • Fast and unobtrusive installation
  • No on-going maintenance
  • Potential saving rate (up to 15%)
  • Dispersed installation (can target individual loads)
  • Compatibility with other energy saving technologies


How it works

ULTRA is the premier Electric Current Optimization system that compensates for energy that is normally lost in Alternating Current (AC) systems…

Installation method

Simple installation ! With our dispersed multi-unit design and installation process, you can install ULTRA devices only in 3 steps…

ULTRA benefits

Ultra is a unique technology that reduces kWh consumption, electricity costs and carbon emissions by while delivering a shorter ROI…

Inside ULTRA

The main reactions within ULTRA occur between ceramic coatings, the ULTRA composite and the presence of the Alternating Magnetic Field (AMF) that accompanies all AC systems… Read more

 Rapid ROI

ULTRA will reduce your energy consumption costs, delivering you a cost savings of 10 – 15% and a Return on Investment of less than 2 years.
Discover ULTRA Performance and Specification to achieve a typical ROI.


Providing Specific Results